In order to better serve you, the Texas Bond Review
Board would like to know about your experiences with us. If you rate any
category "Below Average" or "Poor", please indicate your reason(s) in the
comments section at the end.
2) Is the agency's office accessible, clean, and adequately equipped for your
3) Is communicating with the agency staff via telephone, mail, or electronic
mail a trouble-free and efficient process?
4) How satisfied are you with the usability of the agency's website, including
mobile access to the site? |
5) Does the website contain adequate information about the Bond Review Board and
the services provided?
6) Are service complaints easy to file?
7) If you used the complaint process, was your complaint resolved in a timely
8) Are agency staff members prompt in providing requested information?
9) Are all reports, instructions or other printed information provided by the
agency staff accurate and easy to understand? |
10) Is the Bond Review Board data available on the Texas Open Data Portal
and Data Center easily accessible? |
11) Please rate your overall satisfaction with the agency? |