The Texas Bond Review Board
The Texas Bond Review Board (BRB), created in 1987, is composed of the
Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and
Comptroller of Public Accounts. The agency's statutory authority is found in
Chapter 1231 and
Chapter 1372 of the Texas Government Code.
Mission Statement
agency's mission is to ensure that debt financing is used prudently to
meet Texas' infrastructure needs and other public purposes, to support and
enhance the debt issuance and debt management functions of state and local
entities, and to administer the state's private activity bond allocation
The BRB provides the following three services to its
customers: 1) Approves all
state bond issues and lease purchases with an initial principal amount of
greater than $250,000 or a term longer than five years (with the exception of Tax Revenue Anticipation Notes,
State Highway Fund Revenue Anticipation Notes, Permanent University Fund issuances, and non-general obligation issuances by university systems that have an unenhanced long-term debt rating of at least AA- or its equivalent); 2) Ensures that
public officials have access to current information regarding state
government debt, capital planning, finance, and debt management. The agency
collects, maintains, and analyzes the status of local government debt and
reports findings to the legislature, other state officials, and local
policy makers; and, 3) Administers the state's Private Activity Bond
Allocation Program. The agency drafts administrative rules and guidelines
for processing and reviewing applications for the state's private activity
Customer Service Principles
It is the policy of the BRB to provide our customers
with a level of service which exceeds their expectations. In striving to
do this, the BRB has adopted the following customer service principles:
Agency contacts with all customers shall, at all times, be conducted in a
professional and courteous manner; Phone calls from customers to agency
employees will be returned promptly, within one business day if possible;
Responses to requests for information from customers will be provided in
an accurate and timely manner, within three business days if possible;
Agency employees will be available, informed, and on time to meet with
customers who request such meetings; Agency employees will strive to
produce the most accurate and complete information and services possible;
The agency will continue to explore new technologies and methods of doing
business which will improve upon current agency practices and enhance our
customer's experience.
A customer service survey is available online by
clicking here.
Suggestion and Complaint Process
It is the policy of the Texas Bond Review Board to
welcome customer suggestions and respond promptly to complaints concerning
customer service issues. Communications to the BRB should be forwarded to
the agency's Customer Service Representative at the following
Mr. Robert B. Latsha II, Executive Director
Texas Bond Review Board
P.O. Box 13292
Austin, TX 78711-3292
(512) 463-1741