The Texas Bond Review Board intends to expediently provide access to all public
records. Currently, all records are housed in the Bond Review Board's offices
at 300 West 15th Street, Room 409, Austin, Texas, and access is made available
to or copies of public records can be made at these offices.
Staff will provide assistance in the form of file
research/retrieval, copying, or computer research, as appropriate.
The charge to any person requesting copies of any public
records of the Texas Bond Review Board will be the current charge rates
established by the Texas Building and Procurement Commission. The Texas Bond
Review Board may charge the following amounts necessary to recoup other costs
as follows:
Computer resources charges (mainframe and programming time), as determined by
the Department of Information Resources.
Copies of public records shall be furnished without charge or at a reduced
charge if the Executive Director determines that waiver or reduction of the fee
is in the public interest because furnishing the information can be considered
as primarily benefiting the general public.
Any additional reasonable cost will be added at actual cost, with full
disclosure to the requesting party as soon as it is known.
A reasonable deposit may be required for requests where the total charges may
exceed $200.
All requests will be treated equally. The Executive Director
may waive charges at his/her discretion.
If records are requested to be inspected instead of receiving
copies, access will be by appointment only during regular business hours of the
agency and will be at the discretion of the Executive Director. Confidential
documents will not be made available for examination or copying except under
court order or other directive.
All open records requests will be referred to the Executive
Director or designee before the agency staff will release the information. For
additional information please contact the agency at
512-463-1741. Please send open records requests to Open Records Request Contact .