Calendar of Submission Deadlines and Meetings

Business Days Calendar

Meeting MonthNotice of Intent DueApplication DuePlanning SessionBoard Meeting
June 2023 (FY23)05-12-202305-16-202305-31-202306-08-2023
July 2023 (FY23)06-22-202306-26-202307-11-202307-20-2023
September 2023 (FY24)08-24-202308-28-202309-12-202309-21-2023

The above dates are based on the following schedule and are subject to change at the discretion of the board.

Called Meetings

Section 181.4 of the BRB rules state that "The Chair may call additional meetings of the Board and is responsible for filing notice of meetings as required by Chapter 551, Government Code, and giving timely notice of meetings to members of the Board."

Notice of Intent to Issue State Debt

Unless exempt, due no later than 12 business days prior to a regularly scheduled planning session.

Application for Board Approval of State Debt Issuance

Due no later than 10 business days prior to a regularly scheduled planning session.

Planning Session

Held on or before the second Tuesday of alternate months.

Board Meeting

Held on the Thursday following the third Tuesday of alternate months.