Local Government Services

Although the BRB does not play a part in the approval of local government debt issuance, one of the agency's goals is to ensure that public officials have access to current information regarding debt issuance, finance, and debt management. The agency is mandated by statute (Chapter 1231.062, Texas Government Code) to submit a report to the legislature that contains statistical information concerning the bonds and other debt obligations issued by local governments (cities, community & junior colleges, counties, health & hospital districts, independent school districts, water districts, and other special districts).

To comply with these mandates, the BRB receives bond transcript information from the Public Finance Division of the Attorney General's Office, also required by statute (Texas Government Code, Title 9. Public Securities, Chapter 1202.008) [OAG form], [OAG form FAQ], and compiles local government data for presentation on our website.

Choose from the selections to the right to search a database showing local government debt outstanding on an issue-by-issue basis at a snapshot in time (fiscal-year end as of 8/31), or click the Publications and Downloadable Data tab to access local debt data on the Texas Open Data Portal and download a spreadsheet that contains debt outstanding presented by issuer, along with debt ratios, population numbers, tax rates, and assessed values. The local debt annual report is also available by clicking the publications link.