Cautionary Statements
Section 1202.008 of the Texas Government Code authorizes the Office of the Attorney General to collect local debt information and to send that information to the Bond Review Board (BRB) for inclusion in debt statistic reports. Chapter 1231 of the Texas Government Code requires the BRB to submit biennial reports with such data to the legislature.

The data on the BRB’s website is compiled from information reported to the BRB from various sources and has not been independently verified. The reported debt and defeasance data may vary from actual debt outstanding, and the variance for a specific issuer or types of or all issuers could be substantial.

Local governments are not required to report data for debt that either is not considered a public security as defined by state statute, e.g., a loan not evidenced by a note or evidenced by a note payable to order, or does not require approval by the Office of the Attorney General of the State of Texas, such as certain short-term notes, certain bond anticipation notes and certain lease purchase agreements for personal property. Consequently, the BRB does not receive information on many privately-placed loans or intergovernmental loans such as State Infrastructure Bank loans for transportation or water development state participation loans that are not evidenced by a public security. In addition, debt issuances for some component corporations of governmental entities such as housing finance corporations, industrial development corporations and other conduit entities are not reported to the BRB. Outstanding debt excludes debt for which sufficient funds have been escrowed to retire the debt either from proceeds of refunding debt or from other sources, if reported to the BRB. Debt totals, percentages, trends and other data are based entirely on debt and defeasances reported to the BRB.

Future debt repayment and debt-service information for variable-rate, commercial paper, and other short-term and demand debt is estimated on the basis of interest rate and refinancing assumptions described in the report. Actual future data could be affected by changes in issuer financing decisions, prevailing interest rates, market conditions, and other factors that cannot be predicted. Consequently, actual future data could differ from the estimates, and the difference could be substantial. The BRB assumes no obligation to update any such estimate of future data.

Historical data and trends presented are not intended to predict future events or continuing trends, and no representation is made that past experience will continue in the future.

The information on this website is intended to meet Chapter 1231 requirements and inform the state leadership and the Legislature. This website is not intended to inform investors in making a decision to buy, hold, or sell any securities, nor may it be relied upon as such. Data is provided as of the date indicated and may not reflect debt, debt-service, population or other data as of any subsequent date. This data may have changed from the date as of which it is provided. For more detailed or more current information, see the issuers’ web sites or their filings at Electronic Municipal Market Access (EMMA®). The BRB does not control or make any representation regarding the accuracy, completeness or currency of any such site, and no referenced site is incorporated herein by reference or otherwise.

Local Publications

*The data on the website are compiled from information provided to the Bond Review Board from various sources.