State Debt Approval
Meetings and Agendas
Application Process

With the exception of Tax Revenue Anticipation Notes, State Highway Fund Revenue Anticipation Notes, Permanent University Fund issuances and non-general obligation issuances by university systems that have an unenhanced long-term rating of at least AA- or its equivalent, the Texas Bond Review Board (BRB) is responsible for the approval of all state debt issues and lease purchases with an initial principal amount of greater than $250,000 or a term of longer than five years.

Exempt Issuers

Certain state securities may be exempted from having to appear before the Board for formal approval. Click here to view a list of exemptions per Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 181.9.

If the transaction qualifies as exempt, click here to proceed to the Notice of Intent Application for Exempt Issuers. Once a completed Notice of Intent Application has been received, the transaction will be reviewed by the Board during its six business day review period.

The BRB received an Exempt Issuer Notice of Intent Application for the following:

Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds Series 2023A and Taxable Series 2023B

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board General Obligation College Student Loan Bonds Series 2023A and Refunding Bonds Series 2023B

Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds (Eden Court Apartments Project) Series 2023

For questions regarding exempt applications, please email Bond Review Board Staff.

Non-Exempt Issuers

If the transaction does not qualify as exempt, a formal application must be submitted, preceded by a Notice of Intent to Issue Debt. Click here to complete the Notice of Intent Application for Non-exempt Issuers. Once notified of your intent to issue debt, the Board Staff will place the item on the Agenda for the next scheduled Board Meeting.


Board Meeting Agenda

Business Days Calendar

Upcoming Meetings
Meeting MonthPlanning SessionBoard Meeting
June 2023 (FY23)05-31-202306-08-2023
July 2023 (FY23)07-11-202307-20-2023
September 2023 (FY24)09-12-202309-21-2023


Since the passage of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 (the "Tax Act"), federal law has limited tax-exempt financing of private activities. Private activity bonds are those bonds that meet...more

Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds (QECBs) were first authorized by Congress in 2008 with a national volume cap limit of $800 million. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA)...more

The Bond Review Board, along with the Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB), consolidated their reporting requirements to eliminate redundant reporting by state agencies. Capital expenditure data is electronically collected by the THECB and then forwarded to the Bond Review Board...more
